Periodically, Herky's wardrobe and overall design have been updated.
Because the material was changed during construction of the building, the designs were not updated to accommodate them.
This design was updated during the Second World War to become flamethrower model 40.
This design was updated to mostly blue with yellow and white accents in 1993.
The design was updated in 2008 as the Bevmax 3, where the delivery cup height was raised and speeds were increased.
The design was updated a further five times until being replaced by the Tatra 700 in 1996, itself a restyled T613-5.
In the game, Reika features similar attacks and personality, but the character's visual design was updated.
Whether repairs were needed, designs were updated or needs changed, big bucks were spent to make them happen.
The similar Types 53, 55, 57, 59, and 61 lasted through 1923, when the design was substantially updated as the Type V-63.
The design was not updated, the color selection remained black and only black.