Be sure to buy the cement and other items specifically designed for the type of pipe that you are using.
In addition, the suits are custom designed for the type of stroke the swimmer will use as well as being engineered differently for women and for men.
The Orpheus consoles have microchips optimally designed for the particular type of maths and signal-processing required.
The entanglement facility had been designed for exactly the type of traffic the compound mind envisioned.
That means choosing a news group designed for the type of information you intend to post.
Objective evaluation of their training necessitated adherence to standard approaches designed for the type 2 learners.
They are designed from inception for the type of rough use typified by these conditions, not just in the external housing but in the internal components as well.
Modern fuel injection systems are designed specifically for the type of fuel being used.
Be sure to obtain cement specifically designed for the type of pipe you are using.
In an airplane, lift is created by the wings; the shape of the wings of the airplane are designed specially for the type of flight desired.