Despite considerable improvements, neither was approved for financial reasons, and no prototypes were built, however design experience helped with new PT-91 versions.
Consider one if you have no design experience and/or expect to make structural changes.
All told, 5,201 designs were submitted, from 63 countries and 49 states, from individuals of all ages, many without any design experience.
Making the correct compromises requires appropriate experimental data and design experience.
Ball is a cyclist who gained design experience by creating his cycling team's uniforms.
Their projects have provided employment for immigrant scientists and unique world-class design experiences for Technion students.
A great design experience must be self explanatory and emphasizes on a user journey from step to step in minimalistic manner.
Each of the 482 pages is a distinct design experience.
This model takes advantage of Stihl's decades of top-drawer, pro-level design experience.
She and four partners - friends with business, Web or design experience - are negotiating for venture capital.