AMY is primarily designed for younger age groups but has exhibits, classes and activities designed for all age groups.
Most villages are frequently visited by tourists and have designed small exhibits of local peculiarities.
This is not the case with successfully designed computer-based exhibits, which look and feel nothing like a desktop PC.
Science Projects continues to design, develop and build exhibits for science centres, museums and visitor centres around the world.
He continued his work in the field of lighting design by taking a position at the National Gallery of Art both designing and lighting exhibits.
Imagineering designed exhibits for the Port Discovery children's museum at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland.
The objective is total immersion, designing exhibits so that visitors can experience the specific culture, environment or historical period using all the physical senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch.
Or to design exhibits that don't just create atmosphere but spur understanding?
While working at the Exploratorium one program that he designed exhibits for was the Human Genome Project (HGP).
My 'real' job is designing interactive exhibits for museums, an when I'm not doing that I invent machines that manipulate some kind of phenomena.
The design of the zoo respects the topography of the zone and only exhibits regional wildlife.
The design, according to The Saturday Review, exhibited a 'considerable acquaintance with the luscious forms of French civic flamboyant', but lacked dignity and self-respect.
Its architectural design is in keeping with American colonial architecture but exhibits French Huguenot influence.
The design exhibits the excitement generated by the early years of airplanes.
He also reviewed books on architecture, and architectural designs exhibited at the Royal Academy, continuing to write for the magazine until 1848.
Opened in 1982, its circular architectural design exhibits a sloping and curvilinear glass exterior.
The design of the dividing inner-wall (zweizonige) exhibits the round-arched arcade design typical of Roman-Gothic style.
Of course she couldn't be certain, but the design exhibited the same original flair she'd seen in Luthia.
Its design exhibited no attempts to revitalise past architectural styles, but did however show indications of early 1900's European stylings.
To archaeologists and scientists, the blood-red pyramid remains an enigma, for its design exhibits a knowledge of astronomy and mathematics rivaling that of modern man.