Khan's tubular designs have dominated skyscraper construction design since the 1960s.
These inventions were among the foundations of the modern information processing industry and Hollerith's designs dominated the computing landscape for almost 100 years.
This design dominated recording studios of the 1980s, and time alignment became a feature of competing manufacturers.
Foreign designs dominate the few joint ventures already underway.
Religious design and artwork dominate most of the architecture, giving the urban areas a unique look that doesn't exist anywhere else in Khorvaire.
When I absorb someone, the genetic design dominates and shapes me just as it does the original.
Romanesque and modern design dominate among the university's 55 major buildings.
His designs still dominate the Cumberland skyline today.
Vuillard's major works are domestic interior scenes in which the design of wallpaper dominates.
For years, Intel's designs have dominated computing.