The design conforms with the document design recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Design vehicles are commonly specified by the relevant governing body that also controls the specification for which the design must conform.
Excavations of ancient synagogues show that their design generally conformed with the Talmudic and traditional rule on prayer direction.
Future designs will conform to environmental trends.
Though a variety of Klingon ships have appeared in Star Trek, their design generally conforms to this style.
To make the design conform to 2NF, it is necessary to have two tables:
Usually these cell designs conform to the normal standard cell rules and can easily be handled by EDA tools for implementation.
The hotel is to be built "as of right," meaning that the design will conform to existing zoning regulations.
Functional verification is the task to make sure a design at RTL or gate level conforms to a specification.
The historian Simon Ward expresses the opinion that "its design conformed to the generally medieval feel of the walls".