The basic shape and design of the car did not change.
The design also changed over time and was appropriate to its owner's social class.
The design for the project has changed surprisingly little over time.
The design of the flag changed over the years as new states were added to the Union.
The simple design has changed little in hundreds of years.
The design had changed several times over the years since it was first used in 1999.
The design of these things hadn't changed much since his day.
The seal's design has changed at least ten times in the state's history.
The design of the ground changed several times over its 80 year history.
The design of the rings has not changed in decades.
However, some mission characteristics led to design changes: primarily in the areas of thermal control, communications and electrical power.
The launch had been delayed several months due to design changes.
The ongoing miniaturization process led to design changes, whereby the pit could be inserted in the factory during the device assembly.
"My hope is that the increased recognition of compatibility problems will lead to design changes in the marketplace," Dr. Martinez said.
Construction began in 1931 and proceeded slowly due to design changes.
Fox & Fowle is the architectural firm designing these and other changes.
Due to design changes, Queensland Rail called them the 4100 class to distinguish them from the 4000 class.
In addition, the flexible wing lends itself open to design changes for possible improvements.
Tarzi was specifically instrumental in designing and implementing changes pertaining to women through his personal example of monogamy.
The great success of the Para-Ordnance high-capacity 1911-type pistols lead to design changes to some models starting in 1994.