The original project designed bombs with a reaction mass made of tungsten.
White wrote a computer program combining software used to design bombs with equations of state for a star.
Livermore, on the other hand, is a center for designing nuclear bombs and Star Wars laser beams.
It's Lawrence Livermore Laboratory- a place I've stayed away from because they design nuclear bombs.
Both ideas have been proposed by scientists who designed reactors and bombs.
In science, it could be the physicist who thinks just because he can, he should design bombs that can kill millions of people.
American officials accused Iran of designing and shipping new powerful, armor-piercing bombs to Iraq as early as summer 2005.
Oppenheimer's inspirational leadership fostered practical approaches to designing and building bombs.
Such recruitment, they assert, is a vital part of military preparedness since the nation one day might need to design new bombs.
The codes help scientists design bombs and simulate weapons tests.