We got Congress to officially say that film is art and that as art it deserves preservation."
Even if a Ruth bat should not be mistaken for a unique artistic masterpiece, it deserves preservation, not a fate determined by a woodcutter.
A growing number of elected officials are making distinctions between historic community gardens that deserve preservation and gardens of lesser import.
In the 1890s, Visalians saw the oak tree as a renewable source of community pride and identity that deserved preservation.
Last week, he offered an update, with typical fervor: "The number of buildings that deserve preservation has grown enormously.
He deserved preservation as the last of a knightly breed.
How many individuals from life's various pathways feel their work deserves such preservation?
"Daring" makes the case for a separate-but-equal female culture of play that, like its male counterpart, deserves resurrection and preservation.
For this reason they deserve preservation just as much as music, fine art and literature.
As he sees it, Chinglish is an endangered species that deserves preservation.