What does the old desert fox have in mind this time?
The herder showed his teeth, as a desert fox might have done.
Then comes Dudley, the desert fox who has huge ears for hearing at night.
Let us honor him and all the 33,000 men and women of Desert Fox.
The fact that they had no combat experience and were at a disadvantage against our "desert foxes," could not be held against them.
In 1986 a member of the French team (see below) saw a desert fox at this notch, rather as if it had ascended internally.
However, unlike other desert foxes, it does not have pads covered with hair, which would otherwise protect its paws from hot sand.
The attack, called Desert Fox, will continue for three to four days, according to Pentagon officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Just over the shoulder of it I picked up tracks of a desert fox, just enough to indicate direction.
In form it resembled a crouching fen-nee, the big-eared desert fox.