The surreal desert adventures of Men at Work?
If we go on another little desert adventure in Iran you could see inflation going back up rapidly.
One of the bigger activities offered was a desert adventure in the sand dunes just outside the city.
In fact, the whole desert adventure smacked ever so slightly of a children's party without the children.
Tanner responded to concerns about his plans for a desert adventure in a post on August 27, 2008.
Just load his mind with one or two of the drama-cubes packed full of desert adventure.
After the desert adventure, travel to Swakopmund to enjoy beaches, European architecture, boutiques and scores of good restaurants.
It was a desert adventure worthy of the 19th century, but with a few twists.
Our desert adventure has come to an abrupt halt and the large man charging towards us has every right to be mad.
Take this private 4x4 safari for a taste of the Arabian desert adventure!