Both programs include a Special Interest Week, for example a desert trek, a stay on a kibbutz or training with the Israeli army.
Muhammad with a walking stick seemingly on a desert trek, with the sun on the left, low on the horizon.
Takes more than a little desert trek to stop a abin!
The group was enlarged by a number of young Halutzim from Iraq who arrived by desert trek.
However, after the "rebels" steal some animals, the two pursue them with a squadron of camel-riding natives on a long and panoramic desert trek.
Like a shiny, wet oasis at the end of a desert trek, I've had a few days off this week to recover after a pretty mental month.
Irritatingly, Picard was betraying no indications of being compromised by their desert trek.
The total cost of developing Nomad and conducting the desert trek was $1.6 million.
I'd been ambushed, left for dead, then endured a harsh desert trek, and faced even more disappointing setbacks.
After a desert trek and much hardship they linked up with Maritz's company on 29 November.