The text takes the form of descriptive paragraphs set in poor Italian verse, which are nevertheless fairly clear and informative.
A descriptive paragraph or two, treating of the seven-gabled mansion in its more recent aspect, will bring this preliminary chapter to a close.
We manage our way through Barrett's first descriptive paragraph pretty well - may even, if we're dumb, think it's Austen still writing.
Two additional descriptive paragraphs (beginning with "They marched them" and "Though men were sometimes sentenced") were cut from the hook edition.
For the enemy characters, most of the details are dispensed with, usually leaving only the picture, code name, function, descriptive paragraph and the quote.
The title page of each story includes a brief descriptive paragraph, a teaser almost, to help orient the reader (marketing again).
Each posting provides an MP3 of a traditional folk song along with a descriptive paragraph, lyrics, guitar chords and related images.
Beneath the numbers are plaques with the names of the players and a descriptive paragraph.
In mapbacks, "Persons this Mystery is about" followed the inside flyleaf, and gave a short descriptive paragraph.
Because of its relationship to shot blocking, mise-en-scène is also a term sometimes used among professional screenwriters to indicate descriptive (action) paragraphs between the dialog.