Although this research is expected, and intended, to have practical educational relevance, it is hoped to provide more than a descriptive analysis of classroom practice.
Second, qualitative scores may be obtained from a descriptive analysis of the child's performance across a range of subtests or across different items.
A descriptive analysis of Surigaonon language.
The Germanic verb system lends itself to both descriptive (synchronic) and historical (diachronic) comparative analysis.
A more descriptive analysis of the principle can be found in Protocol 2 to the European Treaties.
I watched the entire vid and all he did was present a descriptive analysis.
Normailly, for descriptive analysis, a minimum of 5 experts is required, while with respect to naive panelists, this number should be much bigger.
The methods include both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, sample building programs, etc..
The descriptive analysis of pollution control work is carried through into Chapter 5.
Although descriptive analysis is the starting point of research, its final goal is to discover psychological universals that can be theoretically and empirically verified.