They were asked to describe weapons we could make immediately.
Among the items left behind were a flight simulator computer program, a list of American flight schools and documents describing unconventional weapons.
They described various weapons that they claimed were concealed here, yes?
In subsequent chapters, the book describes weapons and combat techniques; places of safety; and how to survive a zombie-infested world.
The report described Iran's chemical and biological weapons as "much more difficult to assess."
Tellingly, defectors have described nuclear weapons as part of the Kim family "heritage."
Short of actually describing secret weapons which were still in the development stage, I gave them everything I'd got.
It describes nuclear and nonnuclear weapons as "offensive strike systems" that can be used separately or combined in an attack.
"The Discordians describe new weapons being used against them since your arrival, which sound suspiciously like phasers."
Even Mr. Gorbachev has described strategic weapons as the "root problem" in arms control, and we agree.