Trying to reassure her, as they divided the sandwiches, he described the last voyage of the Prospero, and the disaster of the leaking chemicals.
It begins with a prayer to the sea gods to protect the ship, then describes the voyage of the ship to the province.
His daughter later described the voyage through U Boat infested waters and storms during which all ships but theirs was lost.
The first thing he would do would be to describe the voyage of the treasure-hunters.
The first book describes the 35th Maine's initial voyage and passage into Valennia via a "tunnel of light".
Here, Heywood wrote a long letter to his family describing the voyage to date, with vivid descriptions of life at sea.
Péron's chronicles describe the escape and the voyage across the Pacific.
Years later, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, Adams would describe the voyage on the Boston as symbolic of his whole life.
There are only a few printed sources that describe the 1787 voyage of the Imperial Eagle or Loudoun.
I am not going to describe the voyage in detail.