described the first two hours of the game as "some of the most boring hours you will ever play in a video game."
Lee, armed with his middle-of-the-night musings and a new determination, described the long hours he'd spent in prayer, the many bishops he'd consulted.
He described the long hours, and the high rates of sickness and death among the servants matter-of-factly.
It was a letter describing the last hours of a friend of his.
Nova online describe the last hours of an ice mummy.
Mr. Lieberman, who spoke for 20 minutes, described the last 24 hours as "a magical mystery tour."
He once described the two hours before the live network telecast as "very hectic, there's a lot of running around and hollering.
Night fell, and who can describe the awful hours that followed?
The novel describes the last hours of Francesco, during an exclusive tour of the Venetian lagoon.
While I groaned, he described the final hours.