They also described indigenous people and their habits, as well as anything of possible economic importance.
I described Little's personal habits briefly but colorfully, then turned away from Val to walk to the open side of his cabin.
He was describing Joyce's literary habits to a visitor one recent morning when a prominent Texas art dealer telephoned.
Several times she had, all unbidden, described her daily habits to him.
The term is used to describe someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations.
Patterson laments its existence and describes its habits with painful honesty.
He sent them cajoling instant messages asking them to describe their sexual habits, so he could get his jollies.
Describing his writing habits, he said, "I work best after the deadline has passed, when I'm in a panic."
Scholars passing through Cappadocia during the 19th century described the Cappadocian Greeks and their habits.
He waited calmly until she had run out of new ways to describe him, his habits and ancestors for at least ten generations.