Mentalization describes a person's ability to understand the mental state of him- or herself and others based on overt behavior.
These aren't really a type of virus; the name merely describes their extraordinary ability to hide from anti-virus software.
In petitioner's words, when poignantly describing her ability to endure on the streets, she has called herself a "professional."
Herb is describing his ability to adapt to each playing situation thoroughly and quickly, which of course has everything to do with his versatility.
Case described Sharon's ability to forgive Adam as a "tough pill to swallow".
Colleen is an expert at multitasking - the human practice named for the computer term describing a machine's ability to run several programs at once.
Several laws describe a human's ability to visually detect targets on a uniform background.
It described the airport's deteriorating ability to detect weapons, including handguns or fake explosives.
He described with horror this fish's ability to paralyse anyone who came near it.
Self-confidence describes the dog's ability to act on his own initiative and to face stressful situations without becoming fearful.