I told them the furnishings were those described in the ancient writings of the Tanakh, and how the priest offered incense, then led me into the inner sanctum.
I had seen Rahab described as divine messenger and Leviathan alike in the Yeshuite writings.
Though described in the writings of early Arab historians, the precise location of al-Sinnabra had long been unknown.
Now extinct, the instrument was alive as recently as 1809, and was described in the writings of Sir Arthur Edmondstone.
It is described in the writings of seventh-century travelers.
He also praised the concept of individualism as described in the writings of Walt Whitman.
Not incidentally, the enslavement and exploitation of the Krann is described repeatedly by the Lethanta themselves in the writings as a great evil.
It is the supposed remains of an island described in the writings of James Fenimore Cooper upon which a structure once stood.
Fluorite mineral was also described in the writings of alchemist Basilius Valentinus, supposedly in the late 1400s.
He attributed certain teachings around the use of energy to the teachers described in the writings of Carlos Castaneda.