In addition, terms describing diseases, syndromes, and drugs are available from the Unified Medical Language System.
In recent interviews, other investigators described several other drugs that looked promising in preliminary studies.
Ms. Johnson describes neuroleptic drugs as often necessary but limited in effectiveness and having potentially horrible side effects.
Those challenges are caused by the large chemical space describing potential new drugs without side-effects.
Even when he's not describing drugs, his prose retains a big needle-shaped hole where the drugs used to be.
His student Ibn al-Baitar wrote a pharmaceutical encyclopedia describing 1,400 plants, foods, and drugs, 300 of which were his own original discoveries.
A copy of an e-mail message from July 2003 was shown to the Times, in which Herdia described drugs he had recommended for two athletes trained by Stewart.
And she vividly describes drugs and their effects, from lithium for depression to pitocin for expediting labor.
Many compounds have a tricyclic structure, but in pharmacology, the term has traditionally been reserved to describe heterocyclic drugs.
This implies, among other things, that the use of the term 'consciousness-expanding' to describe certain hallucinogenic drugs is strictly justified.