Garshasp afterwards visits some of the islands of India and observes super natural wonder, which are described at great length in the story.
Ridolfi describes Marietta's close relationship with her father at great length.
When they first realized they'd made good their escape, I described his desire for Lisa at great length.
Anti-Semites are described and quoted at painful length, taking on life and individuality.
The revolting cruelty of Blount's death has been described at great length by many contemporary chroniclers.
He could hardly have had a more interesting proof of what he had been hearing described at such length.
Confusing, too, given the intergalactic politics described at annoying length at the outset.
Individual foibles were described at great length: there was talk of psychopathy, neurosis, displacement of guilt.
For instance, Rosie's search for the "insect carpet" of locusts is described at great length and without terror or suspense.
His flamboyant clothing is described at great length.