He has been described as a gifted teacher who generously shared his knowledge with his associates and students.
She campaigned for public office several times, and was described as a 64 year old retired teacher in 1990.
He had what he describes as a wonderful teacher in the 6th grade who encouraged his intellectual abilities.
She once described him as a teacher "that could have taught the stones to draw correctly."
The Seth personality described himself as a "teacher", and said:
He has been described as "a highly respected scholar" and an "excellent teacher".
She describes herself as an 'old-fashioned' teacher in referring to what might be considered rather traditional teaching methods.
The important liberal philosopher, Karl Popper, described television as a 'bad teacher'.
She described him as "an extraordinary teacher who knew exactly how to guide someone or to correct an error with kindness and understanding. "
His students described him as a teacher you liked to work with.