She has been described as "a singer blessed with elegant musicality, warm-hearted sincerity, and a voice of exceptional beauty".
At 26, she married Paul Simon whom she describes as a short Jewish singer just like her father.
He is described as an admirable singer, but a parsimonious man.
He was described as "an accomplished singer who was widely acclaimed for his fine voice."
He describes himself as a "versatile singer".
She could speak Italian, French and German, and was described as an accomplished singer with a beautiful voice.
He describes himself as a professional paper salesman and a semiprofessional singer.
The Boston Globe described him as a singer "known for his rich tone and enviable diction".
Brimley has also been described as "a fine singer with a warm, rich voice".
In an interview with a Chicago TV station, Paulsen described himself as "a singer who decided to become an actor."