He described himself as an accountant in the 1940 election, and as a manager in 1945.
He described him as "a great manager."
Analysts describe him as a good manager and a strong franchise builder.
Supporters describe him as a hands-on manager who cares deeply about the mundane workings of county government.
How could she so easily whip a player described often as a manager on the field?
Tannenbaum was frequently described as a future general manager.
Former assistants describe him as a hands-on manager who frequently drops in on courtrooms to watch his assistants.
One of her White House colleagues described her today as a "no-nonsense manager who makes the trains run on time."
Mr. Scheib was described as a good manager and administrator but not creative.
Gwynn and Hoffman often described Bochy as a manager who could communicate with stars but also give them space.