Would you describe it as a very passionate look?
He describes the strip as a "down-to-earth look at a bewildered society thriving in an ever-increasing complex world."
Amid the time code, gray tones, and a faulty horizontal hold, she had what could best be described as a slightly out-of-step look to her.
Allmusic has described the song's words as "a humorous look at pin-up models".
Mr. Grinspan described it as a "very loose, natural look rather than stiff geometric patterns."
Described as a "sideways look at the news", the podcast was discursive and based mainly on humorous analysis of the week's media coverage.
This movie is described as a look at the relationship between two young soldiers as they come of age.
Lott's appearance in the video has been described as a new look for her and an evolution from her previous music videos.
It was described as a "fascinating look into what goes on behind closed doors at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue".
After what was described as a "surprised look," the other man said: "Oh, sure, that's right.