It's like trying to describe a horse when all you've to work with is his tail.
Mongolians, after all, say they have about four hundred words to describe a horse; thirty-six just for galloping.
In addition, the word colt may also be used to describe a male horse, and the term filly is used to describe a female horse.
The term in harness often is used to describe a horse being driven.
Technical terminology used to describe a healthy horse.
The stud's director, Richard Lancaster described him as " a most wonderful horse to deal with.
The term comes from the Spanish language word bronco, meaning "rough", which in Mexican usage also describes a horse.
The term "pony" is also sometimes used to describe a full-sized horse in a humorous or affectionate sense.
One context describing a legendary horse parallels it with wuqiong "inexhaustible".
He describes a particular horse in the epigraph to his book: