For with her free hand she made the sign of peace and farewell--and then the knife descended straight as a plummet to her heart.
An autogiro, descending straight from the night, squarely upon the deck of the Zouave.
Immediately before us was an apparently bottomless abyss, black and terrifying; the side descended straight down from our feet.
Let's hit an example of his work before descending straight into the interview.
Then I realized that the light was flying very low and was descending straight toward the fire.
Down he descended straight; the speed of Gods Time counts not, though with swiftest minutes winged.
The Micone walked thirty yards across the cavern's ceiling, then abruptly turned and descended straight down the wall.
A hard stroke and a lucky one, descending straight for The Shadow's head.
The former were probably compromised, Dennis thought, but one of the latter descended straight down to the underground.
Descending straight toward the clearing was an autogyro.