He descended to the hellish underworld amid pillars of fire all around him, an image I'll take home with me from London.
At one point, the gathering threatened to descend into violence amid the welter of jabbing fingers and virulent insults.
We followed a dim path, its mouth hidden by dense bushes, which wound along a rocky ridge, descending seaward amid boulders and gnarled trees.
Immediately a score of tridents descended amid the unsuspecting searats.
Marika reached for the planet, where the darkships had scattered and were descending amid a welter of beams.
Passengers, including families with young children, looked on in horror as the row quickly descended into violence amid fears the plane was being hijacked by terrorists.
(He begins the "Blow, winds" speech of the storm scene while acrobatically descending the scaffolding amid strobe lights.)
Crenellated walls descend from it into the town amid vineyards and orchards.
Law-enforcement officials had begun climbing the ladders on Tuesday night but descended amid conversations on their two-way radios.
The car descended hesitantly, amid squeakings and screechings.