One of the lady social workers bristled; it wasn't right to make derogatory jokes about racial groups.
The earthbound made derogatory jokes about empty cans, and turned their backs on the brash, glittering necklace of the night.
Outside of Serbia in ex-Yugoslavia, the slogan is sometimes written on walls, but then it is taken as a derogatory joke and nationalistic provocation.
For decades, Polish Americans have been the subject of derogatory jokes originating in anti-immigrant stereotypes that had developed in the U.S. before the 1920s.
Contrary to many other countries, Australians will generally wait until the subject is present before making derogatory jokes.
In Denmark, an "Aarhus story" - similar to a Molbo story - is a kind of derogatory ethnic joke.
That's two sexist comments and using a disability to make a derogatory joke about a opponent, I guess its OK if you are a Eaton educated Tory!
Housemate David "Puck" Rainey, meanwhile, makes derogatory jokes about Zamora and his homosexuality.
Although the perpetrators may think their jockeying for alpha male in the locker room via derogatory jokes is amusing, they have no idea how powerful their language is.
An employee is entitled to an environment free of lewd, inappropriate behavior such as sexually derogatory jokes and obscene materials, especially in public areas.