"Ernest Hemingway is a major world writer, and to have this sort of cheap, derogatory image of him is not very helpful," said the son, who lives in Montana.
She had no intention of perpetuating the derogatory image most whites had of most blacks", wrote Doris Rich.
Baron Cohen has also been accused of creating a derogatory image of Kazakhstan.
And with this election, the litany of derogatory images slipped for the first time into public political debate.
The actions around sexuality have included campaigns against the derogatory images of women in pornography.
Judensau (German for "Jew-sow"), was a derogatory and dehumanizing image of Jews that appeared around the 13th century.
But it is the derogatory, spoilt image which sticks as the group image.
One university declined to lend a painting to the show, contending there was no value in displaying derogatory images of blacks.
"Blackface" refers to white (or black) performers blackening their faces to present derogatory images of African-Americans.
"My work before was mostly in the United States - the Aunt Jemima thing, the derogatory images," she said.