The curriculum mostly consists of long appellate opinions from which they are supposed to derive legal principles on the needle-in-a-haystack principle.
Neuman derived essential principles for this approach from an extensive review of highly effective programs that were consistently "changing the odds" for young, at-risk children.
Analytically, the is one of deriving more specific principles from more general ones.
They use their intuition to amalgamate empirical data into coherent pictures, from which they can derive universal principles.
Its analysis covers the same four cases analyzed by the district court, but derives different principles from them:
Though many dictionaries define inductive reasoning as reasoning that derives general principles from specific observations, this usage is outdated.
Unlike Prichard, Moore thought that one could derive principles of obligation from propositions about what is good.
Human beings, through logic and reason, are capable of deriving normative principles of behavior.
He attempted to derive universal harmonic principles from natural causes.
Thus they set out to derive abstract moral principles for a demoicracy and use them to judge the EU subsequently.