Data from Spitzer resolve the luminosity problem by deriving better estimates for the time spent in a high luminosity state and larger ages of 300,000 yr for protostars.
The key to deriving estimates of dinosaur gait and speed from trackways was provided by the zoologist R. McNeill Alexander (1976).
The main goal of thermodynamics in this context is to derive estimates of single-ion thermodynamic quantities such as hydration enthalpy and hydration entropy.
Throughout Nicaragua, rainfall produced by the storm was significantly less than anticipated according to satellite derived estimates.
That such discrepancies arise is due to compilation of data at a local scale and its subsequent incautious use to derive estimates at a regional scale.
I have found it impossible to derive precise estimates of the values of the coins mentioned in the original of The Book of the New Sun.
The estimated conditional distribution can then be used to derive estimates of other properties of the stochastic process, such as the stationary distribution.
These observations are used to derive estimates of the concentration of chlorophyll and sediments in suspension in the water, for instance.
The final weight for each respondent was used to derive national, regional, and state-level estimates for all survey items.
With various sampling points and knowing the extent of habitat types we can derive estimates of how many species there may be.