This additional structure to the grade school became derisively known as "the cracker box" due to its approximate 3/4 size of a standard gym.
It's derisively known as "DWB": the crime of driving while black.
Artists who adopted Meldrum's methods became derisively known as "Meldrumites".
All waterfront workers now required federal licenses, or 'dog collars' as they were derisively known, to work.
But in New York, budget negotiations are derisively known as "three men in a room."
Around the Capitol the work is known derisively as "three women in a tub."
With them, humans could never approach the enigmatic race derisively known as Sackers.
His patients do not get the blinding, uniform laminates derisively known in the trade as Chiclets.
Because only non-combatants had been killed, the expedition became derisively known as the "squaw campaign".
The resulting parliament of less than 160 members was derisively known as 'the Rump'.