The Sanitation Department picked up a record 146,880 derelict cars in 1989, but only 17,218 last year.
In 1989, the city got about $15 a car for 146,880 derelict cars, which added up to about $2.1 million.
He concentrates on a derelict American car beneath him, which is without wheels and a windshield.
Anne asked, "I want the derelict car and the garbage gone, and we could see where the creek had flooded before."
Then, with a whine, it pounced on another derelict car.
The two decided it was a derelict car and kept looking for the Camaro.
A few derelict cars and trucks stood about on the roads.
The dancers had set fire to several derelict cars parked in loading zones.
After Catherine and I had gone he would be finally alone, marauding the empty city in his derelict car.
Indeed, the derelict car resembles a piece of farm equipment put out to pasture.