No one disputes the depth of the county's problems.
As the depth of the society's problems became apparent, Fingleton came under public and political pressure to return the €1m bonus.
They did not understood the depth of its problems.
The 1968 election was already under way before Johnson realized the depth of his problems and withdrew from the race for re-election.
"But liberals like me - a vanishing breed, it seems - argue that the depth of the nation's problems shows they are wrong."
Through it all Ferguson remained an optimist, albeit one who did not ignore the depth of society's chronic problems.
While the welfare figures show the depth of the city's problems, officials said, they also demonstrate its commitment to confronting them.
Americans find it hard to accept the depth of our economic problems.
The depth of Zimbabwe's economic problems are reflected in the basic financial data on the country.
It has denied the depth of its economic and structural problems for so long that investors doubt each new Government promise to clean things up.