Civil rights advocates protest that the widened authority would deprive immigrants of their First Amendment rights.
Mr. Gbagbo then courted favor among southerners by depriving northern immigrants of their citizenship and their land.
Education and training are important not just for the upper classes but for the disadvantaged, deprived, new immigrants and disabled.
At a time when even President Clinton has been signing laws that deprive legal immigrants of government benefits, he said, it is important for other voices to be heard.
Proposition 187, the California ballot initiative that deprives illegal immigrants of state services, has quickly been revealed as the inhumane headache its opponents promised it would be.
In short, the ruling supports the way in which current immigration law deprives illegal immigrants of a defense and a venue.
Indeed, Governor Wilson was re-elected in 1994 while backing Proposition 187, an initiative to deprive illegal immigrants of access to education and other social services.
These students would then, no doubt, be accused of depriving immigrants of their sole source of livelihood.
A measure (Proposition 187) on the 1994 state election ballot, overwhelmingly approved by voters but then gutted by the courts on constitutional grounds, would have deprived illegal immigrants of most state-funded benefits.
Adopting the 'Directive of Shame' in a bid to create a Fortress Europe deprives immigrants of their basic human rights and condemns them to a life of illegality.