He had not seemed depressed over the past few weeks, and in fact he's very rarely known him to be depressed.
But please don't get too depressed over this.
However, they each have their own guns and Wiggum becomes depressed over the futility of his situation.
And then he became so depressed over her death that he drowned in the swamp?
When Li Mi still found out, he became depressed over this issue but did not dare to speak again about it.
Mr. Kravitz became depressed over his lack of direction, and considered suicide.
As the years go on, the men do sometimes seem depressed over this endless business of women and love -but only until the next time.
She is a shell of a former self, and still very depressed over the loss of her Japanese boyfriend.
Jamie knew he could get real depressed over this if he let it happen, but he tried not to.
Sales data released last week showed that spending remained depressed in February, a result of consumer worry over the recession and layoffs.