But in the late 1950's he turned to making community gardens in depressed neighborhoods around the country.
However, recently, parts of Southwark has been noted as a poor and depressed neighborhoods.
That's especially difficult when the building is located in a depressed neighborhood and when its occupants are mainly poor.
He had come to the same depressed neighborhood where his brother Robert fought for better housing almost 25 years ago.
These proposals should be stopped now so that free market economics can work to bring New York's depressed neighborhoods back to life.
In depressed neighborhoods that multiple may be as low as three.
The house, when they came to it, was even in that depressed and depressing neighborhood, an eye sore.
Meeting tuition costs is no small feat for many families in the economically depressed neighborhood.
People of your depressed neighborhood are inspired by your example.
But they are rare phenomena in the chronically depressed neighborhoods of the inner cities.