She didn't want to be like her mother, always angry or depressed, terrified when she heard the sound of a vehicle coming up the drive.
A depressed mother is less able to respond to her baby and feel attached, which has an impact on learning and development.
He was then left to take care of his depressed mother, playing the parental role in the broken family.
A depressed mother may have trouble enjoying and bonding with her infant.
In the longer term the offspring of depressed mothers are more likely to suffer from childhood depression.
Into this secure setup comes first an abandoned black child, then his severely depressed mother Sarah.
Which apparently left her mother so depressed that she became very withdrawn, and stayed there.
And the longer that children grow up with depressed mothers, the more negative the effects are.
To what extent does high-quality child care compensate for a depressed mother or a difficult home environment?
The study followed 80 depressed mothers and their children over time.