For example, this may include depressed and non-depressed individuals, or individuals high or low in levels of aggression.
This creates further impairment because the left hemisphere in depressed individuals functions at lower levels of activity than people without depression.
Long-term memory, large capacity able to retain information over long periods of time, does however show impairment in the case of depressed individuals.
Such interventions influence an individual's mood, body temperature, cortisol levels, and melatonin production, all of which appear to be irregular in depressed individuals.
Even when depressed individuals focus on controllable events, their counterfactuals are less reasonable and feasible.
Every depressed individual in New York would flock to that plan.
For example, some clinically depressed individuals seem to withdraw into a state of apathy.
For instance, a media psychologist might determine that depressed individuals are especially likely to watch television.
Lee was personally a depressed individual in the first place, and he portrayed Willy that way.
Many forms of psychotherapy, including some short-term (10-20 week) therapies, can help depressed individuals.