They should not be simply sent back to depressed communities as isolated individuals in search of a function and place.
We have great hope that we can begin to turn the economic conditions around in these historically depressed communities, but further assistance is needed.
He dreams of making enough money to buy old houses, create new gardens and reinvigorate depressed communities.
Criminals who learned that they could act with impunity took control of depressed communities.
Economists doubt that the program, by itself, will fully reverse the sagging fortunes of any depressed community.
Those that operate hospitals in depressed communities may be the hardest hit.
Her project helped create jobs and revive the economically depressed community.
The project which started in 1990, is a partnership between Trinity University and residents of depressed communities near the school.
Such businesses, called buyback centers, are also intended to create jobs for depressed communities.
A new prison brings a depressed community hundreds of jobs in the facility and around it.