Specimens deposited in the British Museum comprised 4709 skins, 786 skeletons and 910 specimens in fluid.
After his death they were deposited in the British Museum.
Murray arranged for some objects to be returned to their owners but the rest were deposited in the Australian Museum.
He fell ill, in 1813, and his legal collection was purchased by the government for £8,000 and deposited in the British Museum.
These extracts and transcripts Mr. Froude deposited in the British Museum.
Many of the ivories were taken to the United Kingdom and were deposited in (though not owned by) the British Museum.
Tapes for her interviews are deposited in the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa.
His papers were deposited in the British Museum (now the British Library).
Here, too, are other historic resources related to the world of art and deposited in the Museum over the years.
Bagramyan's awards have been deposited in the Museum of the Armed Forces.