Members had no notice of this practice, and reasonably assumed their deposits would cover checks presented the same day, as in commercial banks.
Middle and Late Pleistocene deposits largely cover the northern part of this island.
That figure was cut in half for those who knew that other members' deposits covered the checks.
The deposit covers an area of 5 km x 1.5 km.
A few billion years ago, lava flows and volcanic ash deposits covered the entire region with glassy material.
The insurer must earn enough income from investing the deposits to cover losses and operating expenses for the model to be economically viable.
Loess deposits cover much of the High Plains in north and northwest Kansas.
When deposits covered the slide, he marched to a microscope on a worktable.
And post a deposit to cover the cost of the aircar!
In fact, the deposits made by other members covered the overdrafts.