The deportation process was in full swing.
Almost five thousand Armenians were killed during this deportation process.
This has been highlighted in the current deportation process of the suspected terrorist Abu Qatada, who is wanted by Jordan in connection with a terrorist attack.
According to the National Immigration Forum, every individual who goes through the deportation process costs the US taxpayer $23,000.
"But the moment you wash out, as you are about to, I shall preempt the deportation process and take you with me," he said.
The deportation process requires a ruling from an immigration judge for violating immigration laws.
Mr. Harkat was released under restrictive conditions after the ruling as the government continued his deportation process.
And two, which, is probably the most disturbing part, is the lack of access to the historically open deportation process.
"But his idea to involve local law enforcement in the deportation process is cheap and useless."
In my view, the Directive takes due account of humanitarian concerns about the deportation process, notably through the introduction of a maximum detention period of six months.