New operators will join their Platoon wherever they are in their deployment cycle.
It quickly became a training system supporting soldiers and families across the seven phases of the deployment cycle.
DevOps integration targets product delivery, quality testing, feature development and maintenance releases in order to improve reliability and security and faster development and deployment cycles.
But enterprises have long deployment cycles for new operating systems that depend heavily on budgets, internal processes and third-party vendors updating applications to support the latest version of Windows.
The squadrons were assigned to the battle groups on a rotational basis, depending on where they are in their maintenance and deployment cycles.
The program educates the public on the impact of the deployment cycle on soldiers, families, kids, and the community as a whole.
KnowledgeSTUDIO is a data mining and predictive analytics suite for the model development and deployment cycle.
We must do more to support and sustain the families of our troops before, during, and after the deployment cycle.
In 1981, with 479 ships, several of our carriers remained at sea for 150 continuous days out of a 250-day deployment cycle.
The deployment cycle started in September and the 188th FS sent six aircraft with two spares that returned stateside immediately.