Manager: co-ordinating and controlling, decision making and monitoring implementation, setting structures and deploying staff.
Many organisations, especially the associations of government employees, are openly antagonistic and even opposed several attempts to deploy departmental staff to various tiers of panchayat raj.
But much of it could also be attributed to ineffective leadership and misguided decisions about deploying staff.
The city is given six weeks' notice before the shelter's twice-annual inspections, he said, and during that time, the agency deploys extra staff to the building in preparation.
The maximum penalty for deploying unlicensed staff is five years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.
Currently, CDC has deployed staff to support regional and federal response activities.
Selection and recruitment processes: Improving efforts to recruit, select, deploy and rotate highly qualified staff in missions.
Poorly deployed waiting staff.
Approved Contractors could be given special dispensation to deploy staff who have completed their training and are waiting for their SIA licence application to be processed.
First of all, criticism was levelled at the Commission for not deploying sufficient resources and staff and for a Brussels-based management which is too centralised.