"If it had not been for the bracelet, we would have had to deploy 50 to 100 people to find him," she said of the 78-year-old.
The primarily wilderness all-volunteer search and rescue organisation, LandSAR, deployed 530 people to the city to perform welfare checks.
They could even see the tent-city area and figure out how many people they had deployed.
He said his office was deploying eight people to help its lone receptionist field a deluge of calls after the shootings in Littleton.
Wouldn't it be a better idea to deploy more people to combat both forms of terror?
The arrival of the equipment has turned this town into a command post deploying more than 1,400 people, 40 aircraft and 110 vessels, including three Coast Guard ships.
At that point, Federal officials deployed 31 people, then added 21 firefighters on Wednesday.
A single operator can manage up to 10 personas, so a team of five can deploy 50 people on the Web.
The unit's show of force was significant as it deployed 12 aircraft and nearly 400 people to the region to deter the Iraqi military from terrorizing its neighbors.
We may perhaps need to deploy more people here and there in order to be more effective in the current crisis.