But the Administration is clearly considering taking steps that go beyond deploying the fund's resources.
They include giving local forces more control over how they spend money and deploy resources.
Of course, this election campaign was not fair because two candidates were able to deploy considerably greater resources than the others.
The Hungarian authorities have deployed massive human resources and equipment.
But in the next breath, he added: "It's a matter of being able to deploy resources.
First, is the department deploying its resources most efficiently?
"We deployed our resources on those locations where crime was worst, and the numbers show those efforts have been a great success."
Im in favor of exploring any new model for deploying our resources effectively.
"Now, if there are no further comments or suggestions, I recommend that we terminate this call to allow you to deploy your resources."
To Junan, it is a wound so severe that she will deploy all her resources to avoid a similar fate.