The opening scene uses funny sounds to depict the important mayor and his wife who are smiling and talking emphatically before the crowd.
Taylor is said to have depicted his wife in the heroine.
This 1890 family portrait depicts the artist, his wife, and their daughter Effie who had died shortly before it was painted.
A high relief on the gatehouse of this fortress depicts Ulrich and his wife.
It is one of many paintings by Chase that depicted his wife and children at ease.
The shrine contains four statues depicting Ineni, his wife and his parents.
The portrait is one of a pair that depict a recently married merchant and his wife.
It depicts his wife with her siblings at leisure.
In those years he was portrayed by the local painter Parmigianino, who perhaps also depicted his wife.
According to another interpretation, the lower panel depicts the five Pandavas and their common wife Draupadi.